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Property data you can trust

Our sold house prices come from HM Land Registry, Registers of Scotland, official survey records, Royal Mail and Ordnance Survey.

The latest news on house prices

Stay up-to-date with what's happening in the housing market.

  • House prices have fallen 0.1% over the last year while market activity continues to improve with a higher supply and more sales agreed. Here’s the latest on the UK housing market from the Zoopla House Price Index for May 2024.

  • Mortgage rates are not expected to fall further this year, but rising wages are likely to improve affordability for buyers as house prices stay flat.

  • UK house prices have fallen -0.2% in the last year, bringing the average house price to £263,800. Here’s whether house prices are rising or falling in your region, city and local area in April 2024.

  • House prices fall -0.2% over the last year while market activity improves with more sales and mortgage approvals. Here’s the latest on the UK housing market from the Zoopla House Price Index for April 2024.

  • Too good to be true? Not so. If you're after a renovation project, investment opportunity , we've got 10 properties for sale for £10,000 or less.

  • Seller discounts narrow in spring 2024 as more sales are agreed. Momentum is growing in the housing market and house prices don't need to fall further to support the continued recovery in sales.

  • House price falls slow to -0.3% and market activity improves with more sales, lower discounts and greater choice. Here’s the latest on the UK housing market from the Zoopla House Price Index for March 2023.

  • 9 in 10 homeowners who sold up in 2023 made 25% in profit, with the average seller of a £275,000 property earning £74,000. How much money did your home make?

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Check out our latest House Price Index

Find out what's happening with house prices and get the latest housing market trends in our monthly House Price Index.

Our experts answer your questions

Are UK house prices falling?

Yes, UK house prices are falling slowly as the market continues to get used to higher mortgage rates. The average house price in the UK is now £263,600. This is no change compared to a month ago and a fall of -0.5% (or £1,200) compared to a year ago.

Read more in our House Price Index: February 2024.

Will property prices keep falling in 2024?

It depends where in the country you live as the trends vary based on the overall affordability of homes and the level of house prices in each property market. The rate of falls will continue to slow and house prices are likely to broadly track sideways at current levels during 2024.

What's happening with UK house prices?

How do mortgage rates affect house prices?

When mortgage rates are higher, it makes borrowing money to buy a house more expensive. This reduces demand and usually means lower house price growth.

Average mortgage rates are currently between 4% and 5% and are likely to stay at this level for the foreseeable. Try our mortgage calculator to see how much you could borrow.

Does Zoopla have all sold house prices in the UK?

We get our sold house prices from HM Land Registry and Registers of Scotland each month, but it can take up to 6 months for sales to appear in our data. They also don't provide some property prices, such as the sale of a share or a transfer after a divorce. If we don’t have a sold house price, get an instant valuation instead.

Why are UK house prices so high?

The biggest house price growth in recent times came between 2020 and 2022, when low mortgage rates and then the pandemic boosted demand from buyers. 12 in 13 homes increased in value by an average of £19,000 in 2022.

In 2023, this rate of growth slowed down. 3 in 5 homeowners saw their homes hold their value or rise - by £7,800 on average.

What's happening with London property prices?

London has the most expensive homes in the UK, but the average value of a London home is just 8% higher than 7 years ago. For the rest of the UK, this figure is 28% higher, showing that London homes are becoming better value for money.

The cheapest places to buy a home in London are Plumstead, Deptford and Thamesmead East.

Thinking of selling?

Get the ball rolling with an in-person valuation of your home. It’s free and there’s no obligation to sell if you change your mind.