Step 4 of 8

Select the right professionals

When selling your home, you'll need to a team of people to help, from estate agents to solicitors or conveyancers. Here's how to find the best in the business.

Choosing the right estate agent

We always recommend getting three valuations from local agents, then you can choose which one you’d like to work with. A good rapport is, of course, essential.

  • Thinking of selling your home? Start by getting a valuation from a few estate agents to find out what your home’s worth. Here’s everything you need to know about estate agent valuations.

  • An estate agent can help you attract buyers and get the highest possible price for your home. Here's how much estate agents cost and what to think about when you're choosing one.

  • Should you hire one agent to sell your home – or go with multiple agents in the hope of getting a speedier sale? Let's take a look at the pros and cons of sole and multi-agency deals.

Finding the right conveyancer or solicitor

When it comes to conveyancing, the only way to go is with the pros. The conveyancing process requires an intricate knowledge of property law and can take several months.