Step 1 of 8

Get started with your sale

First things first, you’ll need to find out how much your home is worth. Then you’ll want to know the best time to put it on the market to attract the most buyers. Here’s how to get started with selling your home.

Understanding your home's value

At Zoopla, you can find out how much your home is worth in an instant with a free online valuation. Then, we recommend inviting three estate agents to come and see your place.

  • What's the best asking price to put on your home? Too high and you could be left waiting, too low and you may later regret it. Here's how to get it right.

  • Thinking of selling your home? Start by getting a valuation from a few estate agents to find out what your home’s worth. Here’s everything you need to know about estate agent valuations.

Reviewing the property market

Is now a good time to sell? Are house prices coming down? Get all the latest news and insight on what's happening in the property market right now.

Starting your sales process

Before you put your most valuable possession up for sale, we’ve got everything you’ll need to get cracking.

  • Getting a lump sum out of the value of your home while still living there can seem like a good idea. But there are important pros and cons to weigh up with equity release schemes, and specific differences in how they work to consider, too.

  • Gazundering is when a buyer slashes their offer on your home, usually at the last minute. It’s every seller’s worst nightmare. Here’s how to protect yourself from it happening to you.

  • When you’re selling a home, there are certain services you’ll need to pay for. From estate agent fees to legal expenses, let’s talk selling costs.

  • You're ready to make the leap to somewhere new. So how do you get started with the whole selling process and how long does it all take?

  • Thinking of selling your home? Start by getting a valuation from a few estate agents to find out what your home’s worth. Here’s everything you need to know about estate agent valuations.

  • Ready to put your home on the market? Find out how long it takes to sell a home, from first listing your property to handing over the keys.