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Gas and electricity: your common questions answered

Here at Uswitch, we're asked lots of questions about energy suppliers, bills and switching. Here are the answers to some of your most common queries.

Guest Author
Words by: Ben Gallizzi

Senior Content Editor, Uswitch

Where does UK gas and electricity come from?

According to Ofgem, around half of UK gas supplies come from our own gas fields in the North Sea.

The rest is imported from a variety of sources including Norway, the Continent and across the world using liquefied natural gas (LNG).

The UK's electricity is generated from fossil fuels, nuclear, renewable and imported energy. There are more than 2,000 electricity generating stations in the UK.

Who is my gas and electricity supplier?

Check your latest energy bill to find out who supplies your gas or electricity.

If you don't have a bill to hand, find out the name of your gas or electricity supplier in this handy guide:

Who is my gas or electricity supplier?

What is dual fuel?

With a dual fuel plan you get your gas and electricity from the same energy supplier.

Dual fuel usually works out cheaper than a single fuel plan where you buy your gas and electricity from different suppliers.

This is because energy suppliers often offer discounts and reduced rates for dual fuel plans.

Plus, with a dual fuel plan, you only have to deal with one energy company if you have any queries or problems with your gas and electricity.

What is Economy 7?

Economy 7 refers to both the meter that tracks your electricity usage separately for day and night, and the tariff, which charges different rates for the day and night usage.

I've written in more detail about Economy 7 over on Uswitch:

Economy 7 meters and tariffs

What is green energy?

Green energy is electricity or gas derived from renewable sources such as hydro energy, wind energy, solar energy and biomass.

How are my gas and electricity bills calculated?

Your energy bills are calculated on the basis of how many units of energy you consume. You may also pay a standing charge.

When your meter is read, the energy company will subtract the amount shown on the previous meter reading from the most recent one to work out your bill.

If your meter isn't read, you will get an estimated bill based on your past use or a standard rate.

Units of electricity are measured in kilowatt hours. This is shown on your electricity meter.

Gas meters measure the volume of gas you used in cubic feet or cubic meters and the gas companies convert this into kilowatt hours. The price charged for each unit of energy varies according to what pricing plan or tariff you are on.

What information should my gas and electricity bills contain?

Your gas and electricity bills should show:

  • Your last meter reading (either estimated or based on your submission)

  • The amount of electricity or gas you've used in the billing period as well as an annual consumption

  • VAT charges

  • The price you're paying per kWh (the unit rate)

  • Your plan name

  • Your meter number(s)

How do I read my gas and electricity meters?

This will depend on the kind of meter you have. Check out our guide to reading your meter, and why it's important to submit regular meter readings:

How to take an energy meter reading

Who should I contact if I have a complaint about my energy supplier?

First, you need to contact your energy supplier and go through their complaints procedure.

If you need to escalate your complaint, you can get in touch with Citizen's Advice and failing all else, contact the Energy Ombudsman.

For step-by-step advice on how to escalate your complaint, here's everything you need to know:

Making an energy a complaint

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